About us

About us
Joint Stock Company "Center of the regulation and standardization methodology in construction" (JSC "CNS") is a non-public joint-stock company created by the transformation of the federal state unitary enterprise " Center of the regulation and standardization methodology in construction" by virtue of the Russian Federation Government Decree No. 1306-r of August 25, 2005, the Order of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management No. 287 of September 23, 2005 and the Order of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Agency for Federal Property Management in the city of Moscow No. 330 of March 31, 2006. JSC “CNS” is the legal successor of the aforementioned organisation.
The organization carries out activities in the following areas:
• Pricing and estimate regulation in construction;
• technical standardization in construction.
The results of the performed activities are considered and recommended for approval by the scientific and technical council (STC), created by the Order of JSC "CNS" of July 14, 2017 № 11. The STC includes Doctors and Candidates of Science, leading experts in construction and the industry of construction materials.